CAVM  Laboratories

CAVM is actually managing 7 laboratories. 
which have been set up to sustain the Mission of CAVM related to teaching, research and technology transfer in crop production, animal production, soil and agriculture engineering mainly.
Thus, the main objectives of these laboratories are:
  •  To provide better training practice to CAVM students and to improve the quality of research for different departments of CAVM.
  • To provide reliable data to farmers and other applicants, for better counselor in their quest of appropriate technologies. This is all aimed to the development, the welfare of Rwandese community the specific objectives are:

  1. To produce good and reliable analytical data for internal and external customers.
  2. To help students to develop laboratory skills and practices to develop CAVM laboratories at the level of research and reference laboratories.
  3. To develop highly competent human resource for laboratory development. 

Principal analyses
Chemistry and Soils laboratory
1. Soil testing for advising the farmers to apply suitable organic and inorganic fertilizers,to increase crop production.
2. Students skills development for analyzing soil physical and chemical properties
3. To test the quality of fertilizers sold in Rwanda
4. To characterize the soils of Rwanda and to prepare soil maps.
5. To test the soil microbial health for better crop production.
6. To test water and soil pollutants
7. Reclamation of salinity, alkalinity and acidity of soils.
Physical and chemical properties of soils, plant mineral and organic compounds determination, water and fertilizers analysis
Food and plant laboratory
1.Plant testing for advising farmers to correct soil properties
2.Food testing nutritional value to advice producers, industrials, transformers to correct food processing operations
3.Students skills development for analyzing food properties.
4.To test the quality of food sold in Rwandan markets.
5.To characterize middle scale farms products and technologies for better productivity.
6.To test food pollutants
Determination of plant and food mineral and organic compounds
Microbiology laboratory
1.Foods and water testing microbiological level to advice producers, industrials, transformers to correct food processing operations and to prevent consumers against diseases. 2.To test microbiological food pollutants and, in general, the quality of food sold in Rwandan markets. 3.To characterize middle scale farms products and technologies for better productivity. 4.To diagnostic domestic animal diseases for better productivity. 5.Students skills development for analyzing food microbiological properties and animal diseases.
Foods, water and beverages bacteriological analysis, diseases diagnostic.
Plant Biology Laboratory
1. To diagnose plant diseases 2. To propose effective cures against diseases diagnosed on the basis of sensitivity of the germs in question. 3. To extract active ingredients from medicinal plants. 4. To learn to the students how to recognize and distinguish various types of plant pathogens.
Detection of plant pathogens (bacteria and fungi).Sensibility tests of pathogens to crude extracts and active principles of plants.
Animal Biology laboratory
1. Diagnose of animal diseases to advice producers on the health of their cheptel and to protect consumers against consumption of corrupted animal products.
2.Students skills development on animal diseases identification
Analysis of blood, feces and urine for diseases determination for cattle, sheep, goats, pork, rabbits, poultry…
Tissue culture laboratory
1.To help farmers and other producers to get healthy seeds
2. To help students to learn various ways of seed production and control of environmental conditions for plants growth.
Production of healthy seeds, study of certain physiological characteristics of plants in green house.


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